Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Web 2.0: Intro Video

Web 2.0: Intro Video

View the following video and post your comments/thoughts-

Monday, January 28, 2013

Web 2.0: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to Web 2.0 Tool Box! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

In addition, sign up (top right) to be notified of all posts.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday 1/31 and it will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Late? Minus 2 grades for each school day it's late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information. The 1st assignment is due this Friday.

TV P&C: Week of Jan 28

Read and outline: Module 59 Studio Production

In addition, students who have not started scripting their next BDN must do so ASAP.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Web 2.0: Final Post

Done with Project? Working on it at home?

Full course reflection on blog. Bullets are fine.

What did you learn? What could be changed?

What tools will you continue to use?

Reminder to delete any accounts you created that you wish not to use anymore i.e. blogger, wikispaces, etc.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Google Doodle

I thought you might be interested in this story: Google Doodle honors inventor Frank Zamboni with ice-resurfacing game, http://www.nj.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2013/01/google_doodle_frank_zamboni_ic.html Sent via the NJ.com Android App. Download the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ap.advnj

Monday, January 14, 2013

1 Session MidTerm Days...

All students are required to be in attendance for their scheduled midterm exam time with Mr. Porfido.

Final & MidTerm Projects will be presented, graded, and peer reviewed during our 2 hour time slot.

Your final project/midterm MUST be ready to go during your scheduled exam time. Enough time was issued for all students, not only to complete the assignment, but to do an exceptional job.

Any student not turning in a project will receive a "0" unless a doctor's note is provided.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Web 2.0 (Period 7 Only) - Using iTunes & Audacity to Create a Podcast

Class Video

Make sure Audacity & iTunes are installed on your laptop. If not, please download and install Audacity from here.

To create your .mp3 file:
1) Create a folder in My Documents with your initials
2) Now, you must create a test recording. Begin with a 10-15 second recording, introducing yourself, etc.
Make sure the recording levels moving.
3) Once down, export as a .WAV file and save it as sample to your folder
4) Download and install iTunes if you already don't have it and import your file to the library

Need Help? Check out:
YouTube Video

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Web 2.0 (Period 1 and 2 Only): Week of 1/2 & 1/7

Happy 2013! Welcome back! With only a little more than 2 weeks left in the class, time is flying by! The next unit we will be learning about is screen capturing software in order to create web-based training video & tutorials. Click here for more information!

TV P&C: Week of January 2 & 7

Welcome 2013!

I hope everyone had a great break (and even worked on their mid-terms :)

  1. Just a reminder, the midterm script must be shared with me in addition to having your PSA ready to go on January 21.
  2. There will be no newscasts this Friday due to a Senior Class Assembly beginning Period 2. The assembly (Alumni Day) is an opportunity for 2 students to videotape it for outside credit too! First come, 1st served!
  3. The New Year is a time to reflect on the past CLICK HERE for the rest!
  4. Required reading for next week, Module 59 Studio Production
  5. The next Blue Devil Nation time frame is from January and up to and including Valentine's Day!
Please contact me with any questions.