Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Web 2.0: Do Now

At 13, Springfield baseball blogger has major league reach...click here to read the rest!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TV Do Now: Watch Video

Click here

Web 2.0: Blog Searching and Connecting

1) Perform a Google and/or Technorati Blog Search and research at least 3 blogs that interest you. Add those blogs to your Google dashboard as a blog that you follow.

2) After you have done that, read a recent article from 1 of the blogs and post a constructive comment on it. The comment will be your opinion on that particular post, not 1 word, not a sentence, at least a paragraph.

3) You will then comment on this post with the following:
  • Your Name and Period
  • URL of the the article that includes your comment so I can review.
Note: Some blogs will make you register as a user to prevent spam. Don't give out too much personal information. If you're not sure, choose another blog to post on.

Monday, September 23, 2013

TV P&C: Required Reading

Please read & outline Module 1 by Wednesday. Outlines must be put into Google Drive and shared with my email address.

Color Codes of the Book:

-- = Material included on tests representing a basic understanding of the concepts.
-- = These links add a slightly more advanced understanding and background.
- = Links providing information for advanced students and professionals.
- = External links adding an in-depth understanding and background.

Do Now: All Classes- Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Please read this article. After you read it, create a new blog post Titled: Educational Technology and Copyright Law about what you learned from the article and any other information you want to include.

Friday, September 20, 2013

MSG Varsity Club: Student Random Drug Testing

All students involved in sports & extracurricular activities are subject to random drug testing. You must turn in a completed copy of this of this form before October 1 to me. Thanks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: Periods 6 & 8 - Multimedia

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting

Your assignment is to add multimedia to a NEW blog post.

You will type at least 3 paragraphs on the topic:

1) Include specific costs of each item you would purchase

2) Add external text hyperlinks to the products you mention
 i.e.Check out Mr. Porfido's Website!

3) Insert images wrapped around the text relating to what you discuss

4) Embed a video related to what you would do with the money

Done? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: Collaborating with your classmates

Now it's time to start collaborating with your classmates.

1) Go to your Dashboard (blogger.com) and enter the URL's (found in the comments section on my blog) of each blog to the 'Blogs You Are Following' section on blogger.

2) Post at least 2 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.

  • One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Jose's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
    • HTML Coding: <a href="url">Link text</a>
3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: Period 8 Only

Web 2.0: Week of 9/16, Classwork/Homework Due 9/17

1) Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), full name, Period # and. My comment would look like: 
dporfido.blogspot.com David Porfido Period 8

 2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Classes you are taking, etc. Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate. Don't forget to title your post: Welcome to my blog!

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: Period 6 Only

Web 2.0: Week of 9/16, Classwork/Homework Due 9/17

1) Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), full name, Period # and. My comment would look like: dporfido.blogspot.com David Porfido Period 6

 2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Classes you are taking, etc. Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting

Your assignment is to add multimedia to a NEW blog post.

You will:

1) Write a new Post about one of your content area classes you are taking this year. Include:
  • teacher information
  • what you expect to learn during the year
  • grading policy
  • interesting aspect of the class that you like: specific projects, class trips, etc.
  • how you will use technology in the class
  • and any other information you want to include!
3 paragraphs is enough.

2) Add an external text hyperlink to the teacher's website i.e.
Check out Mr. Porfido's Website!

3) Insert an image relating to the class

4) Embed a video related to the class you selected YouTube or similar video site.

Done? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Web 2.0: Period 7 Only

Web 2.0: Week of 9/9, Classwork/Homework Due 9/11

1) Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), full name, Period # and. My comment would look like: dporfido.blogspot.com David Porfido Period 17

 2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Classes you are taking, etc. Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Grades 9-12: MSG Varsity Club

The 1st meeting is Wednesday morning at 7:20 in room 209!!!! 

Meet me by the side door at 7:15! Come by and see what it's all about!

Web 2.0: Period 2 Only

Web 2.0: Week of 9/9, Classwork/Homework Due 9/11

1) Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), full name, Period # and. My comment would look like: dporfido.blogspot.com David Porfido Period 2

 2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Classes you are taking, etc. Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Web 2.0: Period 1 Only

Web 2.0: Week of 9/9, Classwork/Homework Due 9/11

1) Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), full name, Period # and. My comment would look like: dporfido.blogspot.com David Porfido Period 1

 2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Classes you are taking, etc. Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Dial-up Internet Sound!!!!

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: Periods 6 & 8- Setting up a Blog

Web 2.0: Setting up a Blog

Now that you have a Google account, we will be using Blogger (Blogspot) to create your own blog!

Some questions to consider: What is a blog? Why do people blog? What blogs do you read?

View this video to help you get started.

Web 2.0: Intro Video

View the following video and post your comments/thoughts-

Sunday, September 8, 2013

TV P&C: Online Textbook

Click here for the online textbook that we will use throughout this course. Bookmark this site so you're able to access it easily.

If you have a mobile device w/Internet you can also use this version, click here.

TV P&C: Required Survey, Due Monday 9/9

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Try Dropbox!

Hey there!

I've been using Dropbox and thought you might like it. It's a free way to bring all your files anywhere and share them easily.

Sign up with this link to get some bonus space:

Mr. P

Web 2.0: Setting up Google

Work Due Tuesday 9/10

1) Create a Gmail Account if you don't have one already
2) Send me an email to dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org from your GMAIL, can be about what you did over the summer, and include an attachment of a photo of your favorite vacation spot.
3) Go to Google Drive, CREATE a new folder named: #ofPeriodWebLASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org
4) Create a new Google Document (about what you expect to learn this semester), drag it into my shared folder
5) Finally, go to: dporfido.blogspot.com and follow my blog and sign up to be notified of new posts.

You must complete the above. If you are lost, confused, etc, try and use HELP to assist you. If not, it will be a long semester.

Web 2.0: Required Survey Due Monday 9/9

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

TV P&C: Welcome!!!

Welcome to TV Production & Communication Class! Bookmark this blog, we will be using it throughout the year.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday September 5 and will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Minus 1 grade for every day late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information.

4) For each marking period, each student will be required to do the following:
Filming & Editing (outside of school hours)
A= 4+ Events
B= 3 Events
C= 2 Events
D= 1 Events
F= 0

Post any questions here.

Web 2.0: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to Web 2.0 Tool Box! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

In addition, sign up (top right) to be notified of all posts.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday 9/5 and it will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Late? Minus 2 grades for each school day it's late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information. The 1st assignment is due this Friday.