Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

TV P&C: April 1, 2015

All students will read & create a Google Presentation Outline on Module 62. The presentation must be their own work, completed, and shared with me during the class only. No late work will be accepted.

NJSOC/Wood-Ridge Article (Stokes Trip)

Please take a look at the article about the Stokes Trip written by an AmeriCorps member.

If you are unfamiliar with the Stokes trip, this article provides a great overview and representation of the annual trip.

Tech Lit - Creating Voki Avatars, Another Web 2.0 Tool

This Project Will Be Due BEFORE Class on April 13.

  1. Create your own personalized Avatar on Voki.com
  2. Create a MAXIMUM 60 Voice Recording (or typed in) about another subject and what you are learning this week. Be specific! Be positive! Be creative! Be excited! To help prepare, write out a script first! Use the stopwatch on your cell phone to make sure you are close to the 60 second mark. 
  3. Save the Voki, get the embed code, and embed your Voki as a new post to your blog. Title it: MY VOKI
  4. Required Discussion Question for Comment Section:     - 
    • How can Voki be used in your other classes?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

TV P&C: 3/23-4/1

  • The deadline to film, edit, & upload is Tuesday, March 31.. If there are any issues, please email me.
  • TV P&C: Homework Due 3/31: Please read and outline Module 59: Studio Production
    • Must be shared with me in Google Drive, use either a Doc or Presentation
  • Lecture will occur on 3/30
  • Test on 4/1

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tech Lit: Promoting Your Product with a Presentation

Click here.

AWD: Project 4 Information

AWD: Project 4 Information

AWD- Week of 3/17
Project 4 Information

1) Project 4: Complete the video store website using tables. 
  • Changes: Do not use the book's movies & actors. Use more relative ones from imdb.com or similar.

2) Project 4 Test Grade

Page HTM 188/189
  • Use your Template to start the project, but rename the file in order to preserve the template
  • Do not Print, save to the correct location on your laptop 
  • (Project 4 - In the Lab)
This is a test grade- use your book, the Internet, or any other means to assist you.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tech Lit: Google Forms/Surveys

Companies create surveys in order to obtain data about what their potential (or current) customers want in new products, upgrades, and other feedback. After customers submit their surveys, the results/data of the survey are analyzed (numbers are crunched). Online surveys are most popular because the results are all already stored into a database and requires no human data entry. Survey Monkey and Google Forms are 2 of the more popular survey building websites.


Your goal is to create a user survey of a NEW invention of a product, service, or event (or a MAJOR improvement on an existing product). What are you creating? What features would you like to see? Your goal is to create a brand new product. Before you begin, you need to know what your customers want! (This project will be done in pairs)

1) Create a survey form on your new product that includes specific innovative features not available in current products. Before you create the survey, use Google Docs to brainstorm with your partner about what your survey will include. Think of your target market first! Who will be using your product?
2) Once you begin creating the survey, you must first drag it your Google Drive shared folder so I can view and also share it with your partner.
3) You will create a survey with a minimum of 10 questions. Four questions will obtain the demographics of your population with a few questions about age range, gender, etc. You can also ask about the # of computers and mobile devices in the household in addition to other pertinent data that will assist you with your new product. The other 6 will be about your product.
4) You must Try and use a variety of the question types as long as it fits the question
5) Each partner must take an active roll in the survey design making sure they are logged in under their own name to verify work completed.
6) Once the survey is done, you will embed it on one of your blogs and invite class members, family, friends, to take your survey. Try and get a minimum of 20 responses.
Be creative! Come up with a unique product name! Be positive and come up with the "better" widget! ;)
This survey will be completed this week and users can begin taking your survey once I approve it and give you the OK to post it! If there are any questions, please post them here or email me.

Tech Lit: Homework Due 3/5 (P8)

Please find and locate a company's survey (blank) and bring it in for discussion

Web 2.0: Google Drive- Forms

Click here for more information and the assignment.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Web 2. Period 7 Only/Tech Lit: Period 8 Only

  1. Log into Google Drive
  2. Create a new Spreadsheet, title it YI Spreadsheet
    1. YI stands for Your Initials
  3. Drag the file into your Shared Folder
  4. Enter the following data beginning in cell A2 and going down the column:
    1. Verizon
    2. T-Mobile
    3. Sprint
    4. AT&T
    5. Other
  5. Sort the data in Alphabetical order
  6. Take a class vote on which service provider (Taylor can lead it) each student has and enter that data beginning in cell B2
  7. Create a Pie Chart based on the data
  8. Use a formula to add up the # of votes

Monday, March 2, 2015

AWD: Project 3 Test

Now that you're done with project 3, you will take those tools and create your own 2 page website on about your choice of the following topics:
  1. The Fashion Show (use a flyer and create a website from it)
  2. The School Play (use a flyer and create a website from it)
  3. Talent Show (use a flyer and create a website from it)
The website needs to be attractive by including images, hyperlinks, email address link, and more!

This formative assessment will be done in pairs. Your goal is to create an attractive informative web site. Use w3schools to alter font color, size, and insert images.

To get started-
  • Create a new folder in your initials labeled p3Test
  • The home page will be named: index.htm
  • Page 2 will be called page2.htm
  • Use the guidelines from the book on page HTM 124