Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Monday, February 29, 2016

AWD: Project 3 Test

Now that you're done with project 3, you will take those tools and create your own 2 page website on about your choice of the following topics:
  1. The Fashion Show (use a flyer (Sam) and create a website from it)
  2. The School Play (create a website from it (ask a member))
  3. Talent Show (use a flyer and create a website from it)
The website needs to be attractive by including images, hyperlinks, email address link, and more!

This formative assessment will be done in pairs. Your goal is to create an attractive informative web site. Use w3schools to alter font color, size, and insert images.

To get started-
  • Create a new folder in your initials labeled p3Test
  • The home page will be named: index.htm
  • Page 2 will be called page2.htm
  • Use the guidelines from the book on page HTM 124

Web 2.0/AWD: Do Now Feb 29

Please read this article. After you read it:

  1. Create a new blog post Titled: Educational Technology and Copyright Law 
  2. Write about about what you learned from the article and any other information you want to include.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tech Lit: Letter Writing

First, use Google Drive Templates to locate a good letter template. Make sure your letter is renamed and in your shared folder!

Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior Assignment

  1. You are to write a letter with the proper business letter components to your Principal telling why Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior is important and how you can help keep the students  informed on how to stay safe on the Internet and behave properly.
     The letter will include the following components of a formal business letter:

a.   Heading/opening
b.      Inside address
c.       Salutation
d.      Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
e.       Complimentary closing
f.        Typed name
g.       Signature in ink (you will not print it)


  1. You start 8 lines down from the top margin
  2. Enter Today’s Date (Month, Day, Year format)
  3. Skip 4 lines
  4. Enter the Inside Address (who you are writing to in proper address format)
    1. ______________
  5. Skip 2 lines
  6. Salutation (Dear …..:)
    1. In this letter you will put Dear Mr. Petrocelli:
  7. Skip 2 lines
  8. Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
    1. At least 3 paragraphs
    2. Must use at least 5 bullets to mention specific topics
    3. Single Space, except when starting another paragraph
  9. After the last paragraph, skip 2 lines enter your closing (Sincerely,)
  10. Skip 4 lines
  11. Type name
  12. Sign in pen in between closing and typed name

Web 2.0: Using Drive Templates- Applying for a Job

Web 2.0: Using Templates- Applying for a Job

Using the classified section of nj.com, find an ad for a job that you would like to apply for.

  1. Go to Google Drive Templates and Search for
    1. AVID Cover Letter
    2. AVID resume
      1. add them both to your folder
  2.  Adapt the cover letter with your info, address the company you are applying for, and write your letter. You can embellish on the letter.
    1. Include a bullet point list somewhere in the middle of the letter stressing your qualifications for the position. 
  3. Then use your AVID resume template and add your own content. This doc should be used on-going after this course and should include only true information
  4. Don't forget to create a unique letterhead for both docs

Both Google Drive Docs MUST be in your shared folder

Do Now 2/22

Read this letter and create a new post on your blog:

  • Title it: Do Now 2/22
  • Write your opinion on the letter

Thursday, February 18, 2016

AWD: Code Academy Course

Click here.

Web 2.0: Do Now Assessment 2/18- Backlinks

Using the following HTML coding:

 <a href="destination_url">clickable text</a>

Post a comment with a hyperlink to a product on Amazon.com that you would love to have and why. The clickable text should be the product name and be in the middle of the sentence. 

2-4 sentences is enough.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Web 2.0: Period 7 Only

Web 2.0: 2/16

  1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 7 DONE. See below.
  2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
  3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
    1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
  4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.














AWD: Project 2 Test

Create a 1 page webpage about what you did over this past weekend.

Make sure:
  1. Include a <title> in the HTML tags
  2. Use the H1 tag for the top of the >body> of the page
  3. Use an ordered or un-orderd list to itemize what you did
  4. Add at least 2 images that represent your weekend
  5. Change the background color
- Create a new folder in your initials folder titled: Project 2 Test.

- Save the HTM file as: p2test.htm in that folder

Tech Lit: Google Account

Work Due Tuesday 2/16

  1. Log into your Wood-Ridge Schools Google Account 
  2. Go to Google Drive (from the Apps button in the upper right hand corner) and CREATE a new folder named: 3YOURLASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org 30 points.
  3. Create a new Google Doc inside that folder ), drag it into that shared folder. Confirm that the folder is shared and the doc is in there. 30 points.
  4. Name the document: Winter 10 Points
  5. Write a paragraph about what you like to do in the winter 15 points
  6. Add an image at the end of your paragraph 15 points
If you are lost, confused, etc, ask me, or try and use HELP to assist you.

Web 2.0: Period 1 Only

Web 2.0: 2/17

  1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 1 DONE
    1. I pasted everyones.
  2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
  3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
    1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
    2. HTML Coding:
  4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

AWD: Feb 10-12

1.     2-day assignment: All students will complete the assignment in the book: Project 2 and save to the correct folder to their assigned laptops.

2.     1-day assignment: All students must prepare a technology current event blog post to be presented on Tuesday February 16.

TV P&C: Week of 2/10

1) Read Module 63 Part 1 & 2 and create a Google Presentation/Outline about the modules. Must be shared with me before the end of Friday's class for credit. Test will follow next week

2) Work on the script for your 'How To' Video. Click here for detailsHave a finished copy ready for viewing Tuesday 2/16. Below are the details:

The following solo OR partner project is to create a video that physically shows a demonstration of a ‘HOW TO…’. You are creating a training/teaching video which will contain you (and your partner) fully demonstrating a task, skill, DIY, etc.

Ideas are 1st come 1st served.

  • 2-3 minute (+/- 5 seconds)
  • You must use Google Docs and share the script with me. No emails or paper will be accepted.
  • Script must contain all visual & audio in the video including characters, camera angles, specific shots, etc.
  • Must use a Tripod when you are cleared to tape.
  • Edit the video with any software available to you on your own computer or make plans to come during your lunch period and use mine.
  • The final video is must be uploaded to a YouTube Account. The link can be emailed to me.

Script Due Date: Before Class on 2/16/2016

Tech Lit Feb 10: Blog Post (Career)

  1. On your blog, create a new post:
    1. Title it My Future Career
    2. Write at least 2 paragraphs about a career you want and why
    3. Include what extra schooling you would have to do to complete your goal
    4. Include images, videos, and links

Web 2.0, Feb 10: Multimedia Blog Posting

Please click here for the assignment. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

AWD: Feb 9, 1st .htm file

  • Open your Template
  • Re-Save the template as test.htm
  • Add the Title: YOUR NAME 1st Page
  • In the body:
Create a Welcome Page - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Food, Classes you are taking, etc. College plans? Vacation Plans? Part Time Job? 

Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

  • Save the file
  • View the page in Chrome
  • Raise your hand when done

Web 2.0: Setting Up Your Google Account

Work Due Tuesday 2/9

  1. Create a Google Account if you don't have one already 10 points
  2. Send me an email to dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org from your GMAIL (subject will be: Period _), can be about what you like to do in the winter (1-3 sentences) and include an attachment of a photo of your favorite vacation spot. 30 points.
  3. Go to Google Drive (from the Apps button in the upper right hand corner) and CREATE a new folder named: #ofPeriodLASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org 30 points.
  4. Create a new Google Doc (about what you expect to learn this semester), drag it into that shared folder. Confirm that the folder is shared and the doc is in there. 30 points.
If you are lost, confused, etc, ask me, or try and use HELP to assist you.

Monday, February 8, 2016

AWD Feb 8: Student Files & Template (Graded)


This should only be done at the laptop you use at school.

  1. Click here to download the zip file
  2. Create a folder in My Documents titled with your initials: i.e. DP
  3. UNZIP the contents of the download to your initials folder.


1. Copy and Paste the following text to Notepad to use as your template:

<DOCTYPE! html

   PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"



2. Save the file as HTMLTEMPLATE.htm

3. Choose to save it in your initials folder

Web 2.0/Tech Lit: New Intro Post

Create new post on your own blog! 

Make it a Welcome Post - Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, Food, Classes you are taking, etc. College plans? Vacation Plans? Part Time Job? 

Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Title it: Welcome to My Blog!

Monday, February 1, 2016

All Classes: Wall Selfies Are Due Thursday

Web 2.0/Technology Literacy: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to Web 2.0 Tool Box & Technology Literacy! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

In addition, sign up (top right of my blog) to be notified of all posts.

1) Course Syllabus: 

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday 2/4 and it will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Late? Minus 1 grade for each school day it's late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information. The 1st assignment is due Friday.

Advanced Web Design (AWD): Welcome

Welcome to Advanced Web Design!! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

My advice is for you to sign up to be notified of all posts to my blog.

1) Please read over the course syllabus.

2) Please download, print, and have this contract signed before 2/3/2016. This will count as a grade. Late? Minus 2 grades for each school day.

3) Weekly Assignment- Click here for information