Please post a detailed comment to this posting that contains a full report of your trip. Include what you gained from this experience, how you can benefit personally, ideas that W-RHS can incorporate in our TV Production class, equipment that W-RHS should acquire, and any other information you wish to add. Make sure you put your name in the comment.
By going to NHS we learned how to improve our stills at taping. We also learned that taping the footage live may be easier then having to have 5 takes. By watching the students at NHS we learned that even if you dont rehearse it still will come out good. If we had the equipment we should do footage and put it right in the video. We should acquire a tv prompter video camera and a mac desktop so that we can edit it on a bigger computer. NHS also showed us commercials and gave us ideas for what to do and what not to do. Therefore it was a great experience,
NHS had a lot to offer because of all the equipment that they had. They tape live which may be something that we should consider because we waste way too much time with retakes. I think that we should invest in at least one other mac & like Melissa said, a desktop so that we can get a larger view & can improve on editing. Their commercials seemed like a lot of fun & if we can keep improving on our newscasts & completing them in shorter time we should incorporate some as well.
E. Ford <3
The NHS trip was a great trip because it showed us the high quality cameras and equipment that one day we can get to improve our class and of monthly newscast.if we where to get a tv prompter video camera and a mac tower so that we can edit on a bigger computer and have more space. i think we should do our own little commercials and like film board meeting.
Danny Guerra
i felt that this was a good experience for us because we were able to seekids our own age doing the same thing we do every month. I think if wekeep progressing from were we are right now i think we could have a
little studio like they had and an extra camera like the one they had and a bigger computer to do our editing.
I feel that visiting NHS was a great experience for the entire class. Obviously there is a financial difference and we cant expect to have the same equipment, there are many things that we gained from this trip. We saw the various ways to edit film and content. Also, seeing the three cameras work at once was very cool. Although it was only a dress rehearsal, I like the way we film things in segments rather than winging it live. In our next devil nation i feel that we can incorporate "a word from our sponsors" to add a little something different. All in all i enjoyed this trip and i felt that it was a mojor success.
Mike Cellitti
The trip to Nutley High School I think was a great learning tool for us. There equipment is incredible and wish that our school can soon have the same or ven better supplies. I know it is very costly equipment but I think it would be a great thing to invst in for later years
The trip to NHS is a good measuring bar for our progress. Despite our financial limits I feel we have used our technology to its full capability. Obviously with a set and equipment like NHS our newscas would become significantly better. They do have creative ideas though, for example showing the monthly calendar and notifying students of the days off.
I thought going to Nutley Highschool was a great trip because it gave us another view of how to do a newscast. The way they did it was a great way and if we ever have the chance to own the equipment they had we would have a little bit of a better view after that. Also, we could gain some ideas from watching there newscast today.
-Tyler Wyrostek
Nutley was very surprising with all of the technology they use. How all the students know how to use it is just as surprising. We should be more organized with our newscasts. In fact, we should do our anchor footage very last after we have our segments so we know who exactly was covering each topic. We need to take some more extra steps in helping out for the newscast.
Going to Nutley was a great trip. We learned that we need to continue taping and practicing. We also need to continue taping to get better equiptment like nutley.
going to nutley high school was great too see what other schools that have been doing this for a long time look like. overtime we should plan to copy what they have done because it would be great to do. they ere so high tech and we should be like them. we arent bad for a first year group
The trip to NHS was inspiring. The students had good ideas for newscasts and commercials that we could emulate, even though they have a better setup. It would be interesting to try filming a live newscast like they did with Raider Nation. What we come out with is pretty good, but they set a higher standard that we should strive to reach.
i saw alot of cool stuff at nutley highschool. they were alo more advanced than us and i hope we florish into being that advanced.they were all so nice and welcoming. their equiptment was amazing! when we first walked in i knew i was in a school that had been doing this for years. it was something like thier 15th year doing this. although this is our first year, hopefully we advance quickly. i also learned alot about editing and group work.
-dana :)
i really enjoyed our trip to NHS. i think seeing another school's webcast and studio live is definitely helpful. & i think it would be nice for the school to get us some more information, especially after seeing all of the equipment NHS has. however, i still think our newscast is 10x better :) i really liked that their newscast was live though. it was great to see something different.
p.s. sorry this is so late mr, porfido! ill be honest i just completely forgot to do this :/
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