Great job on your 1st newscast! I'm very proud of everyone involved, but like anything in life there is always room for improvement.
All students must post a comment to this blog posting reflecting on what worked, what didn't work, and how we can make BDN better going forward. I'm looking for ideas on how to schedule taping, editing, and more. Everyone must post an idea, improvement, and you can always compliment someone on their excellent work too!
Also add 5 pros and cons to this episode. Make sure you are offering constructive feedback in a positive statement. Be specific.
Due Friday 10/28 before class.
A few ways to better BDN's organization are as follows:
1. Keep an organized list of the segments and what memory card they are being filmed on.
2. Keep a schedule for who is editing each segment and when.
1. We learned from our mistakes.
2. had fun
3. builds responsibility
4. helps boost self-esteem
5. promotes our school
1. audio issues
2. loss of memory card files
3. not focusing on camera enough
4. not organized enough
5. need more diversity in interviewed students
pros: we completed it in time, showed fall activities, was fun but also serious, did filming outside of school, made one big news cast
cons: some noise in the back round, speaking so we can be heard on camera, make clips ending longer so easier to cut endings, change the students we interview, and switch up the questions we ask during an individual interview
I think one large show is a lot better then two smaller ones because it is not only easier but also allows everyone to work together as one whole. I feel like the october news cast was a great start and as we go on we will know what we are doing better and just continue to improve. It is to soon to tell exactly what we must change besides being neater
We need to assign someone the job of making sure that all the cards and cameras are listed on the chart, so we know where everything is at all times. Also more people need to know when they need to be editing so we finish everything more quickly.
Finished very quickly.
First time experience for BDN.
End result came out great.
First time using Final Cut.
Shows some great things about WRHS.
Audio issues.
Need to interview different students.
Corrupt memory cards.
Need to look at camera during an interview.
Speak louder and more clearly.
Everyone helped with interviewing and filming.
We had fun.
We learned how to use a camera and edit footage.
We filmed every activity for this month.
Not everyone helped with editing.
Memory cards were not organized.
There were background noises in some footage.
Microphone problems.
Overall, I think the newscast went very well. Everyone helped with interviewing and filming. For the first time, we did very good and had fun. However, I think we need to organize the memory cards better. I also think we should have a schedule of who is filming or doing their segment on what day.
Pros: everyone helped with the interviewing.
I had allot of fun working with the equipment and interviewing it was a new experience.
Everyone filmed what needed to be filmed and did it on its due date.
Cons: background noises.
laughing at the end of an interview. smiling and looking at the camera more often. keeping things like equipment together.
I really thought that everyone did a good job and will continue to work hard and keep making wonderful newscast.
Overall it was great for our first newscast, but we still have room to grow! Good job everyone!
1. Great footage
2. Good energy
3. We control what goes up
4. It was enjoyable
5. Its something everyone can enjoy
1. Unorganized
2. Unprepared for loss of data
3. Problems with sound
4. Could be more diverse
5. Background noise
I think it went well and that everyone did a great job.
1) Everyone had fun
2) It was a new experience
3) Everyone had a task
4) It was a new experience
5) Learned new things
1) Noises in the background
2) Microphone problems
3) Unorganized
4) Laughing
5) Some people were unsure of what to do.
Great footage.
Had fun.
Filmed every event and activity in the fall.
Learned how to use the camera and Final Cut.
Not everyone helped with editing.
Microphone problems at time.
Memory card problems.
The newscast was very good. Everyone did their part and we filmed all the events. The segments were well put together. We only had problems with everyone not editing and memory card problems.
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