Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Friday, December 18, 2015

TV P&C: 12/18/2015

Please read and outline the following modules. The outline must be shared in your Google Drive folder.

Module 9-A

Module 9-B

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tech Lit: December 17, 2015

Create a detailed post about their holiday break plans.
  1. At least 3 paragraphs
  2. At least 2 images
  3. At least 2 external text links to another website
  4. Embed at least 1 video

TV P&C: Module 4 Test

  1. Take the test located here:
    1. The test is an open module test
    2. You must be logged into your Wood-Ridge schools account

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TV P&C: Module 4 Work

  • Read Module 4

    • The Production Sequence

  • Create an outline of the module and place the Google Drive file in your shared folder,

  • A grade will be issued for the outline, due 12/16.

  • There will be a formal test of this Module on:

  • Thursday December 17
  • Web 2.0: Social Bookmarking Project

     Click here for the project.

    Monday, December 14, 2015

    TV P&C: Do Now 12/14

    As a comment to this post (you must be logged in to your Google Account), please type specific documentary idea that you would be interested in creating a video on.

    Web 2.0, Do Now: Writing Prompt (cloak)

    You have been chosen to wear an invisible cloak for 1 day to perform a good deed and become the unknown/unrecognized hero! What good deed will you do? Without using any real names (you can make up names), blog at least 2 paragraphs about your day being invisible. All posts must be school appropriate.

    Monday, December 7, 2015

    Tech Lit: Flyer Samples

    • I will send out groups of 3
    • Your job is to go to the location I specify and take at a minimum of 5 pictures of various flyers you find in the halls
    • Once you come back, post the flyers to your blog
      • Along with the flyer image, include the following
        • What the flyer was advertising
        • The Good/Bad (Pros & Cons) of the flyer
        • What you would do differently if you were to design the flyer
        • Any other information you want to include

    Web 2.0: Writing Prompt (new class)

    You are the teacher...

    • Which class would you add to our school curriculum that we don’t already have?
    • When would the class meet
    • what would the students do?
    • What would it look like, feel like, and sound like?
    • And what would the students produce to show/demonstrate their learning?

    Please create a new post on your own blog. This should be a blog post of at least 2 paragraphs.

    Wednesday, December 2, 2015

    TV P&C: December Script, Due 12/3

    Students must script their December video by Thursday. Please use the 2 column format. Remember, December is a short month.

    Students who are working on the PSA contest can hand in those. Keep in mind the time frame.

    Students working on the concert should get a copy of the program.

    Web 2.0: RSS Feeds Project

    Click Here

    Post discussion questions on your own blog.

    Tuesday, December 1, 2015

    Tech Lit: Business Cards

    1) Homework Due December 2: Bring in a current business card.

    2) Creating a Business Card: Due before class on December 3

    Using your information from your new invention/business, create a sheet of business cards from:

    • Google Drive templates, search for 

       Buisness Card

         in public templates, make sure you are looking under all files. Once you begin to create it, save the file to your shared folder

    • Design your own on Staples.com 
      • When complete: screenshot it and save the image to your shared folder
    1. Add the important contact information
    2. Use correct spelling
    3. Insert a logo
    4. Use an attractive design, but don't clutter the card with too much information

    Web 2.0: Adding Feeds to Your Blog

    On your blog, you must add 3 unique RSS URL feeds to display on your blog as a side gadget only. Unique means 3 different URLs. You can't choose 3 from the same page.

    Click here for the video.

    Due before class ends on December 2.

    Monday, November 30, 2015

    Web 2.0: RSS Feeds Presentation

    Please review this before class on Tuesday

    TV P&C: PSA Contests

    1. The Wireless Foundation
    2. Drive2Life Contest
    3. AAA PSA Contest: See me

    TV P&C: December Updates


    Welcome to December!

    Winter Sport Previews (Counts for 1 outside film + Video Grade) Are Due Wednesday Dec 2:

    Girls Bball
    Boys Bball
    Winter Track
    Wrestling (Due 12/5)
    Bowling- DONE!

    No involved in a preview? Take a look at Brainstorm Ideas on the board.

    Reminder: All Students Must Produce once class video every 2 weeks.

    Remember these points when you are on camera:
    1. No gum
    2. No hands in your pockets
    3. Smile often when you do not have a speaking role
    4. Re-Tape any mistakes you or your interview subject does on camera
    5. Dress the part! It's December! Show the excitement of the holiday season!
    Begin editing after you get the 'OK' from me!

    Reminder about outside filming for MP2!

    Web 2.0 & Tech Lit: Do Now 11/30 Writing Prompt

    Choose 1 of the following Thanksgiving reflections and create a new blog post 

    • Title the Post: Do Now 11/30) 
    • Type at least 3 paragraphs

    1. What three people are you the most grateful for, in your life, and why?
    2. What was the best Thanksgiving you ever had? Describe it.
    3. What are your family's traditions for the Thanksgiving holidays?
      1. No tradition? What are some traditions that you would like to start next year?

    Tuesday, November 24, 2015

    Tech Lit - Creating Voki Avatars, Another Web 2.0 Tool

    This Project Will Be Due BEFORE Class on November 30.

    1. Create your own personalized Avatar on Voki.com
    2. Create a MAXIMUM 60 Voice Recording (or typed in) about another subject and what you are learning this week. Be specific! Be positive! Be creative! Be excited! To help prepare, write out a script first! Use the stopwatch on your cell phone to make sure you are close to the 60 second mark. 
    3. Save the Voki, get the embed code, and embed your Voki as a new post to your blog. Title it: MY VOKI
    4. Required Discussion Question for Comment Section:     - 
      • How can Voki be used in your other classes?

    TV Do Now: Watch Video

    Click here

    Web 2.0: Required Wiki Reflection Survey

    Please click here.

    After you submit, please click here

    Wednesday, November 18, 2015

    TV P&C: Script Writing Assignment Due 11/19

    Use the following newspaper article to write a script for a video news broadcast. In this broadcast, there will be 2 anchors. You must created the script using the 2 column template using Google Drive and place in your shared folder Due: Before class on 11/19/2015.

    Fifteen-year old Alejandro Taylor was fishing with his brother and father early this morning near Lake Water, elevation 6463 feet above sea level. Alejandro and his seventeen-year old brother, Tyler, got into an argument over whether to use real or artificial worms.

    “Alejandro is a purist, you know,” said Tyler. “He has to spend hours digging for worms and such. He has to have real worms, or the experience is ruined for him.

    Alejandro threw water at his brother and stormed away from the others, going southwest around the lake. Alejandro was wearing jeans and a white T-shirt with the words “Vote for Pedro” in fuzzy red letters.

    The father and brother continued fishing for about an hour before they realized Alejandro has returned to fish with them.

    “I thought he was pouting in the bushes or something,” said Alejandro’s father. “He likes to sit in the bushes and pout. He is really good at it, too. Why once, when he was six, he pouted in the bathroom for three hours before we changed the channel.”

    Alejandro’s father and brother stopped fishing, walked to the car and put their gear away, and then walked in the direction Alejandro has gone.

    “We argued for a while before we looked. I thought he went that way,” said Tyler, “but Dad said he went the other way. So we went the other way.”

    After two hour of searching for Alejandro, the father and brother stopped looking and called search and rescue.

    Currently, 113 searchers, including three women from Delaware, are combing the area around the Bass River in the Pine Barrens looking for Alejandro. The major concern at this time is a cold front moving in from the Northwest. The weather forecast called for snow tomorrow and overnight lows before freezing.

    Monday, November 16, 2015

    TV P&C: Winter Sports Previews


    • 3-5 total minutes for each video
    • Minimum of 3 interviews (2 players & 1 coach)
    • MUST have various b-role shots relating to the interview
    • MUST dress the part
    • Be creative during the edit process
    • Due Date: December 2
    • Double Project Grade + Outside Filming for B-Role
      • Minus 1 grade for each day late
    • You are responsible for setting up interviews and b-role filming with each coach
    • Waiting until the last minute is not my problem

    GB: BW & AH
    BB: JD & KH
    WT: EF & JM
    Wrest: NP & JC
    CC: VI & BA
    Bowl: FA & RM

    Web 2.0: Making a Wiki

    Below is the link to the WikiSpaces project. If you have any questions, please post them as a comment.  Click here.

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015

    Web 2.0: W-R Wikipedia Page

    1. Visit your school's Wikipedia page
    2. Individually, on your own blog, list at least 10 outdated/incorrect information in detail and what the content should be changed (or removed).
    3. Title your blog post: W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015

    TV P&C: November 10, 2015

    • Read Modules 2 and 3
      • Program Proposals And Treatments and Capturing And Holding Viewer Attention
    • Create an outline of each module and place the Google Drive file in your shared folder
      • A grade will be issued for the outline
    • There will be a formal test of these modules Thursday

    Web 2.0: Wiki Dissection

    In pairs, visit this wiki.

    Now dissect it. Visit all the pages & tabs and answer the following:
    1. What is the purpose of this Wiki?
    2. When was the last post?
    3. How was this Wiki created/designed?
    4. What would you add to this particular wiki?
    5. What did you learn after reading this wiki?
    6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
    7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?

    To complete:
    1. Please create a new blog post on the person's last name that comes 1st in the alphabet
    2. Title it: Wiki Dissection & Your Partners Initials
    3. Copy & paste questions
    4. Publish!

    Web 2.0: Wikipedia- Beneath the Surface

    Please take notes as we watch this introduction video. After completion, each student will post a comment with a statement about what they learned.


    12.8.1.A.3 Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning.
    12.8.1.C.1 Develop an innovative solution to a complex, local or global problem or issue in collaboration with peers and experts, and present ideas for feedback in an online community.

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Web 2.0/Tech Lit: New Blog Post

    Create a detailed post about what you did over the short break. 

    2 Paragraphs minimum.

    1. At least 2 images
    2. At least 2 external text links to another website
    3. Embed at least 1 video

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    TV P&C: Test Re-Take Link

    1. Create a new tab
    2. Log into your wood-ridgeschools.org Google Account
    3. Click here
    1. If you talk, you get a 0
    2. Done? Download the 2 column script template to your Google Drive to be used for future projects.
    3. Begin scripting your next project

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    Tech Lit: Homework Due 10/26

    Tech Lit: Homework Due Monday 10/26

    Please bring in a paper copy of a survey/questionnaire/comment card.

    Wednesday, October 21, 2015

    Tech Lit: Google Forms/Surveys

    Companies create surveys in order to obtain data about what their potential (or current) customers want in new products, upgrades, and other feedback. After customers submit their surveys, the results/data of the survey are analyzed (numbers are crunched). Online surveys are most popular because the results are all already stored into a database and requires no human data entry. Survey Monkey and Google Forms are 2 of the more popular survey building websites. In this class, we will be using Google Forms.


    Your goal is to create a user survey of a NEW invention of a product, service, or event (or a MAJOR improvement on an existing product). What are you creating? What features would you like to see? Your goal is to create a brand new product. Before you begin, you need to know what your customers want! (This project will be done in pairs)

    1st Part: Leave a comment to this post with:

    1. You and your parter's name
    2. Your new 'invention'

    1) Create a survey form on your new product that includes specific innovative features not available in current products. Before you create the survey, use Google Docs to brainstorm with your partner about what your survey will include. Think of your target market first! Who will be using your product?
    2) Once you begin creating the survey, you must first drag it your Google Drive shared folder so I can view and also share it with your partner.
    3) You will create a survey with a minimum of 10 questions. Four questions will obtain the demographics of your population with a few questions about age range, gender, etc. You can also ask about the # of computers and mobile devices in the household in addition to other pertinent data that will assist you with your new product. The other 6 will be about your product.
    4) You must Try and use a variety of the question types as long as it fits the question
    5) Each partner must take an active roll in the survey design making sure they are logged in under their own name to verify work completed.
    6) Once the survey is done, you will embed it on one of your blogs and invite class members, family, friends, to take your survey. Try and get a minimum of 20 responses.
    Be creative! Come up with a unique product name! Be positive and come up with the "better" widget! ;)
    This survey will be completed this week and users can begin taking your survey once I approve it and give you the OK to post it! If there are any questions, please post them here or email me.

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    Tech Lit: Spreadsheet Charts

    DO NOW:

    1. Open up your SAMPLE spreadsheet from yesterday's class.
    2. rename it: Cell Phone Providers
    3. Enter the following starting at A2 working down the column and the #'s go in column b:


       4.  Take a class vote on which providers students use and enter the total #'s in the next column. If you do not have a cell phone, just choose a company you like!
       5. Use a function to add up the # of votes
       6.  Then create a pie chart on the same sheet.
       7. Next create a bar graph on a new sheet.

    Make sure you use the same spreadsheet so I can check it.


    2014/2015 Snow Storm Totals


    1. Visit this site for you data
    2. Find the nearest location to Wood-Ridge for each snow event (18 total events). SKIP THE NOVEMBER EVENT.
    3. Beginning in A2, enter the date for the storm. If the storm is multiple days, just use the day the storm ended.
    4. Beginning in the next column enter the town you received you data from
    5. In the next column, enter the snow total (in inches) for the storm
    6. Create a function below the last inch amount that totals up the # of inches for all storms
    7. Below that, create a formula that displays the average snow amount for each storm
    8. Create 2 different charts that represent each storm and the snow amount.

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Web 2.0: Using Drive Templates- Applying for a Job

    Web 2.0: Using Templates- Applying for a Job

    Using the classified section of nj.com, find an ad for a job that you would like to apply for.

    1. Go to Google Drive Templates and Search for
      1. AVID Cover Letter
      2. AVID resume
        1. add them both to your folder
    2.  Adapt the cover letter with your info, address the company you are applying for, and write your letter. You can embellish on the letter.
      1. Include a bullet point list somewhere in the middle of the letter stressing your qualifications for the position. 
    3. Then use your AVID resume template and add your own content. This doc should be used on-going after this course and should include only true information
    4. Don't forget to create a unique letterhead for both docs

    Both Google Drive Docs MUST be in your shared folder

    Wednesday, September 30, 2015

    Tech Lit: Letter Writing

    First, use Google Drive Templates to locate a good letter template. Make sure your letter is renamed and in your shared folder!

    Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior Assignment

    1. You are to write a letter with the proper business letter components to the Principal telling why Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior is important and how you can help keep the student body informed on how to stay safe on the Internet and behave properly.
         The letter will include the following components of a formal business letter:

    a.   Heading/opening
    b.      Inside address
    c.       Salutation
    d.      Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
    e.       Complimentary closing
    f.        Typed name
    g.       Signature in ink (you will not print it)


    1. You start 8 lines down from the top margin
    2. Enter Today’s Date (Month, Day, Year format)
    3. Skip 4 lines
    4. Enter the Inside Address (who you are writing to in proper address format)
      1. ______________
    5. Skip 2 lines
    6. Salutation (Dear …..:)
      1. In this letter you will put Dear Mr. Petrocelli:
    7. Skip 2 lines
    8. Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
      1. At least 3 paragraphs
      2. Must use at least 5 bullets to mention specific topics
      3. Single Space, except when starting another paragraph
    9. After the last paragraph, skip 2 lines enter your closing (Sincerely,)
    10. Skip 4 lines
    11. Type name
    12. Sign in pen in between closing and typed name

    Monday, September 28, 2015

    Web 2.0: Blog Searching and Connecting

    1) Perform an Internet search (i.e. blogspot + food) and research at least 3 blogs that interest you (school appropriate). Add those blogs to your Google dashboard (Reading List) as a blog that you follow.       

    2) After you have done that, read a recent article from 1 of the blogs and post a constructive comment on it. The comment will be your opinion on that particular post, not 1 word, not a sentence, at least 1 paragraph.

    3) You will then comment on this post with the following:
    1. A Clickable Text Hyperlink of the URL from the the article that includes your comment so I can review.
      1. <a href="YOURCOMMENTSURL">clickable text</a>

    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    Web 2.0: Do Now Assessment 9/28- Backlinks

    Using the following HTML coding:

     <a href="destination_url">clickable text</a>

    Post a comment with a hyperlink to a product on Amazon.com that you would love to have and why. The clickable text should be the product name. 2-4 sentences.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    Tech Lit: Adding Multimedia

    Your assignment is to add multimedia to a NEW blog post.

    You will type at least 3 paragraphs on the topic:

    1) Include specific information the topic

    2) Add external text hyperlinks to fall related websites
     i.e.Check out Mr. Porfido's Website!

    3) Insert images wrapped around the text relating to what you discuss

    4) Embed a video related to the topic

    Due Wednesday.

    Done? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

    TV P&C: Week of 9/22 Required Reading

    Please read & outline Module 1 by Thursday. The outline can be either a shared Google Document or a Shared Google Presentation, with the key points of the module.

    Color Codes of the Book:

    -- = Material included on tests representing a basic understanding of the concepts.
    -- = These links add a slightly more advanced understanding and background.
    - = Links providing information for advanced students and professionals.
    - = External links adding an in-depth understanding and background.

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Tech Lit: 9/21

    Please copy and paste your Blog's URL as a comment to this post.

    Web 2.0, Monday 9/21: Multimedia Blog Posting

    Please click here for the assignment. You have the entire period to complete this.

    Done early? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    Web 2.0: Period 7 Only

    Web 2.0: 9/16

    1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 7
    2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
    3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
      1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
    4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

    Web 2.0: Period 6 Only

    Web 2.0: 9/16

    1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 6
    2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
    3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
      1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
      2. HTML Coding:
    4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.