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Monday, November 30, 2015

TV P&C: December Updates


Welcome to December!

Winter Sport Previews (Counts for 1 outside film + Video Grade) Are Due Wednesday Dec 2:

Girls Bball
Boys Bball
Winter Track
Wrestling (Due 12/5)
Bowling- DONE!

No involved in a preview? Take a look at Brainstorm Ideas on the board.

Reminder: All Students Must Produce once class video every 2 weeks.

Remember these points when you are on camera:
  1. No gum
  2. No hands in your pockets
  3. Smile often when you do not have a speaking role
  4. Re-Tape any mistakes you or your interview subject does on camera
  5. Dress the part! It's December! Show the excitement of the holiday season!
Begin editing after you get the 'OK' from me!

Reminder about outside filming for MP2!

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