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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tech Lit: Letter Writing

First, use Google Drive to locate a good letter template. Make sure your letter is renamed and in your shared folder!

Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior Assignment

  1. You are to write a letter with the proper business letter components to the Principal telling why Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior is important and how you can help keep the student body informed on how to stay safe on the Internet and behave properly.
     The letter will include the following components of a formal business letter:

a.   Heading/opening
b.      Inside address
c.       Salutation
d.      Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
e.       Complimentary closing
f.        Typed name
g.       Signature in ink (you will not print it)


  1. You start 8 lines down from the top margin
  2. Enter Today’s Date (Month, Day, Year format)
  3. Skip 4 lines
  4. Enter the Inside Address (who you are writing to in proper address format)
    1. ______________
  5. Skip 2 lines
  6. Salutation (Dear …..:)
    1. In this letter you will put Dear Mr. Panico:
  7. Skip 2 lines
  8. Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
    1. At least 3 paragraphs
    2. Must use at least 5 bullets to mention specific topics
    3. Single Space, except when starting another paragraph
  9. After the last paragraph, skip 2 lines enter your closing (Sincerely,)
  10. Skip 4 lines
  11. Type name
  12. Sign in pen in between closing and typed name

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