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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tech Lit: Letter Writing

First, use Google Drive Templates to locate a good letter template. Make sure your letter is renamed and in your shared folder!

Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior Assignment

  1. You are to write a letter with the proper business letter components to the Principal telling why Internet Safety/Proper Online Behavior is important and how you can help keep the student body informed on how to stay safe on the Internet and behave properly.
     The letter will include the following components of a formal business letter:

a.   Heading/opening
b.      Inside address
c.       Salutation
d.      Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
e.       Complimentary closing
f.        Typed name
g.       Signature in ink (you will not print it)


  1. You start 8 lines down from the top margin
  2. Enter Today’s Date (Month, Day, Year format)
  3. Skip 4 lines
  4. Enter the Inside Address (who you are writing to in proper address format)
    1. ______________
  5. Skip 2 lines
  6. Salutation (Dear …..:)
    1. In this letter you will put Dear Mr. Petrocelli:
  7. Skip 2 lines
  8. Body: formal, reasonable, polite, concise
    1. At least 3 paragraphs
    2. Must use at least 5 bullets to mention specific topics
    3. Single Space, except when starting another paragraph
  9. After the last paragraph, skip 2 lines enter your closing (Sincerely,)
  10. Skip 4 lines
  11. Type name
  12. Sign in pen in between closing and typed name

Monday, September 28, 2015

Web 2.0: Blog Searching and Connecting

1) Perform an Internet search (i.e. blogspot + food) and research at least 3 blogs that interest you (school appropriate). Add those blogs to your Google dashboard (Reading List) as a blog that you follow.       

2) After you have done that, read a recent article from 1 of the blogs and post a constructive comment on it. The comment will be your opinion on that particular post, not 1 word, not a sentence, at least 1 paragraph.

3) You will then comment on this post with the following:
  1. A Clickable Text Hyperlink of the URL from the the article that includes your comment so I can review.
    1. <a href="YOURCOMMENTSURL">clickable text</a>

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Web 2.0: Do Now Assessment 9/28- Backlinks

Using the following HTML coding:

 <a href="destination_url">clickable text</a>

Post a comment with a hyperlink to a product on Amazon.com that you would love to have and why. The clickable text should be the product name. 2-4 sentences.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tech Lit: Adding Multimedia

Your assignment is to add multimedia to a NEW blog post.

You will type at least 3 paragraphs on the topic:

1) Include specific information the topic

2) Add external text hyperlinks to fall related websites
 i.e.Check out Mr. Porfido's Website!

3) Insert images wrapped around the text relating to what you discuss

4) Embed a video related to the topic

Due Wednesday.

Done? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

TV P&C: Week of 9/22 Required Reading

Please read & outline Module 1 by Thursday. The outline can be either a shared Google Document or a Shared Google Presentation, with the key points of the module.

Color Codes of the Book:

-- = Material included on tests representing a basic understanding of the concepts.
-- = These links add a slightly more advanced understanding and background.
- = Links providing information for advanced students and professionals.
- = External links adding an in-depth understanding and background.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Tech Lit: 9/21

Please copy and paste your Blog's URL as a comment to this post.

Web 2.0, Monday 9/21: Multimedia Blog Posting

Please click here for the assignment. You have the entire period to complete this.

Done early? Work on your technology blog posting for Friday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Web 2.0: Period 7 Only

Web 2.0: 9/16

  1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 7
  2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
  3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
    1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
  4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

Web 2.0: Period 6 Only

Web 2.0: 9/16

  1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 6
  2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
  3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
    1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
    2. HTML Coding:
  4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

Web 2.0: Period 1 Only

Web 2.0: 9/16

  1. Add a comment to this post with your blog URL (copy and paste from address bar), 1ST name, Period # and. My comment would look like dporfido.blogspot.com David  Period 1
  2. Once the class has submitted their URL's, go to the Blogger Dashboard  & enter the URL's (found in the comment section on your period only) and ADD to the 'Reading List'. 
  3. Post at least 3 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.
    1. One of the comments you post should contain a link to another student's blog or outside link. An example would be: "Check out Andrew's blog, his pictures are amazing!"
    2. HTML Coding:
  4. 3) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond...keep it positive.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Tech Lit: Google Account

Work Due Tuesday 9/15

  1. Log into your Wood-Ridge Schools Google Account 
  2. Go to Google Drive (from the Apps button in the upper right hand corner) and CREATE a new folder named: 3YOURLASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org 30 points.
  3. Create a new Google Doc inside that folder ), drag it into that shared folder. Confirm that the folder is shared and the doc is in there. 30 points.
  4. Name the document: Summer 10 Points
  5. Write a paragraph about what you did over the summer 15 points
  6. Add an image at the end of your paragraph 15 points
If you are lost, confused, etc, ask me, or try and use HELP to assist you.

Web 2.0: Setting up your Google Account

Work Due Monday 9/14

  1. Create a Google Account if you don't have one already 10 points
  2. Send me an email to dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org from your GMAIL (subject will be: Period _), can be about what you did over the thesummer (1-3 sentences) and include an attachment of a photo of your favorite vacation spot. 30 points.
  3. Go to Google Drive (from the Apps button in the upper right hand corner) and CREATE a new folder named: #ofPeriodLASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org 30 points.
  4. Create a new Google Doc (about what you expect to learn this semester), drag it into that shared folder. Confirm that the folder is shared and the doc is in there. 30 points.
If you are lost, confused, etc, ask me, or try and use HELP to assist you.