Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

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Monday, August 24, 2015

TV P&C: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, Work, and Textbook

Welcome to TV Production & Communication Class! Bookmark this blog, we will be using it throughout the year.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday September 10 and will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Minus 1 grade for every day late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information.

4) For each marking period, each student will be required to do the following:
Filming & Editing (outside of school hours)
A= 4+ Events
B= 3 Events
C= 2 Events
D= 1 Events
F= 0

5) Click here for the online textbook that we will use throughout this course. Bookmark this site so you're able to access it easily.

If you have a mobile device w/Internet you can also use this version, click here.

Post any questions here.

Web 2.0/Technology Literacy: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to Web 2.0 Tool Box & Technology Literacy! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

In addition, sign up (top right of my blog) to be notified of all posts.

1) Course Syllabus: 

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Thursday 9/10 and it will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP. Late? Minus 1 grade for each school day it's late.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information. The 1st assignment is due next Friday.