Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Welcome to Mr. Porfido's Blog!

Please bookmark this page and check for updates!

Wood-Ridge Online Store

Monday, September 26, 2011

Web 2.0: Collaborating with Other Student Blogs!

Now it's time to start collaborating with your classmates.

1) Go to your Dashboard and enter the URL's (found in the comments section on my blog) of each blog to the 'Blogs You Are Following' section on blogger.

2) Post at least 2 comments to different classmates' posts. Choose a classmate that is across the room and not sitting on your right or left. The comment will be related to one of their posts and something you learned about them or any contribution that is positive.

3) One of the comment you post should contain a link to another student's blog. An example would be: "Check out Sam's blog, his pictures are amazing!"

4) If someone posts a comment on your blog and has a question, please respond.

Period 2- You should be following 23 classmates and the instructor.

Period 5- You should be following 23 classmates and the instructor.

Period 7- You should be following 19 classmates and the instructor.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Web 2.0: Week of 9/19, Homework Due 9/21

1) Add a comment to this post with your full name, Period # and blog URL. My comment would look like:
David Porfido Period 0 dporfido.blogspot.com

2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post
- Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, etc.

Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Web 2.0: Week of 9/19, Setting up your blog.

Now that you have a Google account, we will be using Blogger (Blogspot) to create your own blog!

Some questions to consider: What is a blog? Why do people blog? What blogs do you read?

View this video to help you get started.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TV P&C: 3 Elements of a Story...

Watch a movie, TV Show, or newscast and identify whether the storyteller includes the 3 elements.
- Identify at least 1 conflict in detail.
- What aspect of the show made you care about it?
- Was there material in the video that could have been left out?
-What would you change about the video?

Post as a comment to my blog. Due before class Tuesday (after lecture).

Web 2.0: Week of 9/12 (Part2)

Using Google DOCS

1) Log in to your Google Account and go to Documents
2) Create a new collection (folder) named: LASTNAMEWeb(insert your Period #) and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org. So if it was my collection, I would name it: PorfidoWeb2 if I was in 2nd Period.
3) Create a new Google Document, drag it into my shared folder. Title it Social Networking. Then using proper spellings and grammar identify the term social networking and how it relates to your life. What is Facebook to you? What should be included on a profile? What should be left off? Why should you use privacy settings?
3 paragraph minimum. Feel free to add images.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Go Cowboys!!!


TV P&C: Blue Devil Nation


If you wish to be an anchor (need 2 per episode), please let me know by leaving a comment below. I will not assign you as an anchor if you don't want to be, however you will have to appear on the episode.

Matt A.
Vin O
Dylan C.
Ashley L.
Danielle D.
Ryan C.
Chris C.
Ron B.
John R.
George D.
Mina M.

Josh Q
Dylan O
Nicole F.
Emily B.
Jesse S.
Casey W
Stef B.
Melissa M.
Sahira A.
Vinoli G.
Ally F.

Web 2.0: Week of 9/12 (Part1)

1) Create a Gmail Account if you don't have one already

2) Send me an email to dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org (with the subject Web 2.0 and your Period #) from your GMAIL your thoughts from this weekend's September 11th events and attach a picture that relates to your email. You can use any image that you find on the Internet.

3) Finally, go to: dporfido.blogspot.com and follow my blog by email and as a Google Follower.

You must complete the above. If you are lost, confused, etc, try and use HELP to assist you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Web 2.0: Required Survey Due Before Class on 9/12

Web 2.0: Intro Video

View the following video and post your comments/thoughts-

Sunday, September 4, 2011

TV P&C: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to TV Production & Communication Class! Bookmark this blog, we will be using it throughout the year.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Friday September 9 and will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information.

4) For each marking period, each student will be required to do the following:
Filming (outside of school hours)
A= 4+ Events
B= 3 Events
C= 2 Events
D= 1 Events
F= 0

Post any questions here.

Web 2.0: Welcome, Syllabus, Contract, & Weekly Assignment

Welcome to Web 2.0 Tool Box! BOOKMARK MY BLOG! We will be using this site throughout the course. There is also a link from the school website to it.

1) Click here for the course syllabus.

2) Click here for the contract and print a copy on your own time. This must be signed by you and a parent/guardian before class on Friday September 9 and will be counted as a grade. Even if late, contracts MUST be turned in ASAP.

3) Click here for the weekly assignment information.