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Monday, February 28, 2011

Computers 2 - Wiki Project Groups

Click here

If there are any problems, please let me know in an email before 3/2.

The project will be discussed soon.

A reminder that weekly blog postings are due THURSDAY this week. Not Friday.

AWD - Week of 2/28/2011

Project 2 Test Grade:
Go to Page HTM 66
You will base your 1 page web site from this In the Lab assignment with the following changes:
1) Instead of the text Phi Kappa Phi, use the Internet to find a banner image for a college fraternity, group, etc.
2) Alter the text in the paragraph to include the name of the organization's image you have found
3) For the Shaded Horizontal Line, check out page HTM 57
4) Do not print, save in Project 2 In the Lab Folder

Technology Current Event Summaries due 3/3/2011 this week. THURSDAY!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Computers 2 - Wiki Research

"Wiki wiki" means "quickly" in Hawaiian.... 
  • Using the Internet, research how a class wiki can be used in education.
    • Here is a good source, use it and adapt it to your specific classes.
  • What are the benefits of using a wiki?
  • How can we create one in this class and utilize it?
  • What experience do you have using or creating wikis?

Each student must answer in detail the above discussion questions as a Comment to the post before class ends on Monday.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Future US President?

TV P&C:Week of 2/22/2011

1) 30-60 Second Bullying Video must be filmed & edited before class on 2/24/2011. We will burn each project on a DVD and sign your release forms that day.

2) March Devil Nation- All taping must be completed by 2/25/2011. Editing and preview will occur the following week with an upload scheduled for 3/3/2011.

Go Blue Devils!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Computers 2 - Using Google & Technorati Blog Search...

Perform a Google and/or Technorati Blog Search and research at least 2 blogs that interest you. Add those blogs to your Google dashboard as a blog that you follow.

After you have done that, read an article from 1 of the blogs and post a constructive comment on it. This can be your opinion, an idea, or something similar. You will then email me the URL of the the article that includes your comment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Computers 2: Week of 2/14

Computers 2 Do Now:
On your own blog:
Create a new post detailing what you did this past weekend. Include a picture, video, etc to enhance.

3 Blog Posting: Find 3 different blogs from this class or my other 2 classes of people you DO NOT regularly speak to. Read their intro posts or another posts and comment on them about how you might have the same interests, just to introduce yourself, or that you like their blog layout. Positive posts only.

Now use Google Blog Search or Technorati and find at least 2 blogs (from people not in this class) that you are interested in and follow them.

Once you are done, add a comment to this posting with:
1) The 3 class blogs you commented on
2) The 2 outside blogs you are now following

Julia in B&W....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Computers 2 Homework Due 2/10

Now that you have your blog, here are some questions for the comment section:
- Why do people create blogs?
- Other than this class, what can you use your blog for?
- What should you consider before you create or post on a blog?
- What are some blogs that you follow?
- What is Google AdSense?

All students must comment & answer by 2/10.

If you've attended a kid's athletic event...

you should watch these videos.

Computers 2 - Homework Due 2/8/2011

1) Add a comment to this post with your full name and blog URL

2) Create your first post on your own blog! Make it a Welcome Post
- Introduce yourself! Likes, Dislikes, Family, Friends, etc.

Use proper grammar and make it school appropriate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Computers 2- Setting up Blogger

After you have created a Google account, view this video for creating your blogger account:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Computers 2 Work Due Monday 2/8

1) Create a Gmail Account if you don't have one already
2) Send me an email to dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org from your GMAIL. (can be about anything)
3) Go to Google DOCS, create a new collection (folder) named: Computers 2 P (insert your #)LASTNAME and share the folder with dporfido@wood-ridgeschools.org
4) Create a new Google Document (can be about anything), drag it into my shared folder
5) Finally, go to: dporfido.blogspot.com and follow my blog

You must complete the above. If you are lost, confused, etc, try and use HELP to assist you. If not, it will be a long semester.

Fair Lawn man, 25, in critical condition after pet albino cobra bite


Computers 2 - Intro Video

View the following video and post your comments/thoughts-