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Monday, March 28, 2011

Dangers of Chewing Tobacco

AWD- Week of 3/28/2011

Project 4 Test Grade:

Page HTM 188/189

  • Use your Template to start the project, but rename the file in order to preserve the template
  • Do not Print, save to the correct location on your laptop
This is a test grade- use your book, the Internet, or any other means to assist you.

Due: 4/1/2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tweet from @ESPNResearch

@ESPNResearch: 5.9 million brackets in the ESPN Tournament Challenge... and TWO have the Final Four correct. TWO!

Friday, March 18, 2011

TV P&C: Cyberbullying PSA & Assignment 3/18/2011 Sub Plans

Cyberbullying PSA:

An original commercial that stands up to cyberbullying

- 30 second or less PSA
- The script from each student is due before class on Monday. It will be counted as a full grade.
- You must use Google Docs and share the script with me
- Script must contain all visual & audio in the PSA including characters, camera angles, specific shots, etc.
- You must also break down the script in time frames (0-5 seconds- camera shot of phone)
- Video must not contain any copyrighted material so use only background music from Position or free sources

Computer 2 - Using Voki, Another Web 2.0 Tool 3/18/11 Sub Plans

This Project Will Be Due Before You Enter Class on Monday 3/21/2011.

1) Create your own personalized Avatar on Voki.com
2) Create a 30-60 Second Recording (or typed in) about another subject and what you are learning this week
3) Save the Voki, get the code, and embed your Voki as a new post to your blog

Use the Help area to assist you. There are no excuses.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

AWD - Project 3 Test Grade, 3/16/2011

Please complete the following in your Project 3>In the Lab Folder:
Page HTM 124-125
-Include an additional Blood Drive image (Red Cross, etc) and place the image at the bottom of the page and center it
-Do not print
-Check your work in a browser before submitting

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Computers 2 Wikispaces Project

Each group will sign up for 1 free wikispace account. Make sure you then go into the settings and make Private but add collaborators. Your partner and myself must be added.

Each group will get six words to define using resources on the net so that you can understand the emerging concept of Web 2.0. 

•wiki pages
•social bookmarking
•RSS Feeds

Here are your guidelines:

1. Post meaningful, relevant information on their topic.
2. Summarize information you find on the Net and to link to it.
3. Continue to read your terms and ask yourself -- "What do I not understand about this topic?" and then to proceed to answer that question and post your findings.
4. Use some of the websites that you read about.
5. Don't delete information of another group member unless it was redundant or you paraphrased/edited it to make it better.
6. You will have to present their topic -- 5-10 minutes to summarize and demonstrate.
7. At the conclusion of each presentation, all students must post a comment on the page providing feedback or asking questions. (A feature and to keep you focused on the task at hand.)
8 Add images, videos, alter font styles and add links to enhance

You will present your findings.

Varsity Aces



Monday, March 7, 2011

Vote for Wood-Ridge High School

Click Here!

Computers 2 Wiki Dissection Do Now

In groups of 3, visit this wiki.

Now dissect it. Visit all the pages and tabs.
- What is the purpose of this Wiki?
- When was the last post?
- How was this Wiki created?
- What would you add to it?
- What did you learn from it?
- If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic?

Please add the names of your groups in the comment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finding a Web 2.0 Tool...In Class Assignment Week of 3/2

As we have been discussing, there are numerous Web 2.0 tools out there. Examples are: Google Docs, Blogs, Diigo, Wallwisher, Voki, Blabberize, Glogster, and many many more!

Your task is to research Web 2.0 tools and how you would utilize the tool in specific academic content area. You can not choose Google Docs or Blogger since we have used them so far this semester. Here are 2 sites to begin your research:

Comment on this posting with your Web 2.0 Tool, Subject & Teacher you will use it for, How you will use it specifically, How it will help you to learn the content, and any other information you want to include. You may have to use the tool 1st in order to decide if it's a good fit for you. I will know if you haven't.