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Monday, February 28, 2011

AWD - Week of 2/28/2011

Project 2 Test Grade:
Go to Page HTM 66
You will base your 1 page web site from this In the Lab assignment with the following changes:
1) Instead of the text Phi Kappa Phi, use the Internet to find a banner image for a college fraternity, group, etc.
2) Alter the text in the paragraph to include the name of the organization's image you have found
3) For the Shaded Horizontal Line, check out page HTM 57
4) Do not print, save in Project 2 In the Lab Folder

Technology Current Event Summaries due 3/3/2011 this week. THURSDAY!

1 comment:

RuPacheco said...

-It can help you to get involved in a curriculum and share your ideas about it.

-Making a class project to collaboratively write a reference book that others can use.