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Monday, January 19, 2015

TV P&C: Feb 3, 2015

Super Bowl commercials are legendary, and nowadays it’s easy to find favorite commercials from the Super Bowl yesterday by searching YouTube. Please list 1 commercial as a comment below and look at persuasive language or the logic (or lack thereof) in a commercial’s argument. Please post your answer as a comment to this post.


Unknown said...

Many ads during the superbowl were boring. But Esurance knocked it out of the park with their awesome breaking bad ad, featuring Brian Cranston as Walter White. They grabbed the audiences attention and never let go for the full time frame.

Unknown said...


In the nationwide commercial, it talks about all the dangers of germs and being a child. It points focus to all of the everyday things we don't pay attention to, and how they are way that children die everyday. All of those deaths are preventable as long as someone watches the child.

Unknown said...

I think that the Nationwide commercial was inappropriate. They are trying to send out a message that many kids die in accidents, but they didnt have to have a kid do all those fun things and make him say that he couldnt do all of those things because he died.

Anonymous said...

No More's Domestic abuse commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTJT3fVv1vU

It really gets its point across. It hits people hard when they figure out what the message behind it is. This commercial would be very good at making people more aware of domestic abuse.

Unknown said...

The make safe happen commercial really shocked me. The commercial was not good for the superbowl. During the superbowl people want to be happy. They do not want to hear about children dying. The commercial was totally uncalled for. The commercial did not sell insurance, it just made people feel bad. I can tell what they were going for but they just went too far.

Unknown said...

The domestic violence commercial persuade the audience to no longer keep quiet about the sensitive subject. People have to stand up to the topic and realize it is that it is still a pressing matter. The commercial caught many viewers attention.

Unknown said...

The domestics violence commercial that aired during the Super Bowl was a very good commercial that shed a new light on a subject that many people like to pretend doesn't exist. It got the attention of everyone watching the Super Bowl and helped them understand the lengths that people that are affected by domestic violence must go through.

JMorel said...

One of the commercials that I've seen during the Super Bowl is the Bud Light commercial where a man says he'd do anything for a Bud Light drink. It's very similar to last year's "Up For Whatever" commercial and he is given a huge coin to insert into a lifesize slot which acitivates a huge game of Pac-Man. The commerical's purpose is to give viewers the sense that they should be up for anything when they drink Bud Light.

Lindsey Hargrave said...

A commercial from the Super Bowl was the Doritos commercial where the boy made a pig fly. A boy wanted some Doritos from a guy but he said he'd only give them to him if pigs fly. The boy made a plan to make a pig fly and got the Doritos. The persuasion is that Doritos are so good that you would do anything to get Doritos.

tommyluizzi said...

Doritos Super Bowl Commercial 2015 Doritos Angler Doritos Fish Super Bowl 2015 Commercial


It shows the fish smelling the doritos and stealing them from the fisherman because their good.

Unknown said...

I think the skittles commercials was funny and creative.

Anonymous said...

I think the Doritos commercial was funny because of the flying pigs

Anonymous said...

I like the commercial with the dog that gets lost and finds his way home and the horse saves him from the wolf at the end. Message is family always stays together

Christian's Blog said...

My favorite commerical was the Doritos commerical with the flying pigs. The commerical was funny and creative.

Unknown said...

I thought the commercial about feminism and girls confidence was very persuasive and got a very important message across to the viewers. It showed how most males and older women believe that girls cannot run or fight. But then it showed young girls that thought they were tough and strong; this is how they felt before their confidence would drop during puberty.


Unknown said...

The commercial about girls confidence was very effective because it showed how girls confidence fades away over time. It has both young and older girls describe what it's like to be a girl. The commercial was very effective.

Julia said...

My favorite commercial was the budweiser one with the puppy and horses. It taps into viewers emotions using animals, making it an affective commercial.