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Monday, September 17, 2012

Web 2.0: Do Now

Please comment below:

What is a blog? Who has a blog? Why do people blog? What will use YOUR blog for?


Unknown said...

A blog is a page dedicated to one person that writes about what they want. Many people have blogs. People blog to write about certain topics they are interested in

Unknown said...

a blog is a website people create to share information they'd like to. Many people have blogs, including the web 2.0 class. I will use my blog for web 2.0 assignments.

Anonymous said...

A blog is a website where a group of users record and share information, opinions, etc on a regular basis. Everyone in Mr. Porfido's Web 2.0 class has a blog, including Mr. Porido himself. There are also many other people in the world who have blogs and they all use them for different reasons. I will be using a blog this year for completing school projects in this class for this year.

Unknown said...

A blog is basically a place where you put up to date things that go on in your life, like a portfolio. We all have blogs? People who wanna have blogs have blogs. People blog because they enjoy socializing with everyone. I don't care for blogs, I'll use my blog for school purposes only.

Unknown said...

A blog is a place for people to share their feelings with the world. People can write about anything. For example things that are happening in the world or life. Many people have blogs. I have a blog you have a blog and the whole class has a blog, but so do a lot of other people. I will use my blog for Web 2.0. I will put my tech articles up and post pictures and information.

Unknown said...

A blog is a page where people can put useful information for other people. Anybody can have a blog. People have blogs to put their input and ideas about what they believe on something.I will use my blog to show people my ideo on current news and my beliefs.

Unknown said...

a blog is a site that can be used for many different things you feel passionate for. For example, people make blogs about fashion, sports, etc. You can document as many things as you want. Many people have blogs do document their life or their hobbies, etc. I will use my blog for school assignments.

Unknown said...

A blog is a A Web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis. Many people in the world have blogs. The reason that they have blogs is to record their opinions on what they believe or want to say. I will use my blog to inform people on what i do and stuff i like to do.

Unknown said...

A blog is a place where people can post informational things on the web and can talk in groups about it. You can share anything you want to. Many people have blogs, this class has a blog. We will be using our blogs to post information on new technologies each week.

Unknown said...

A blog is a post that others can read and leave comments. People who want to share information. People blog to share news or information. I will use my blog to display Information, picture, and video

Unknown said...

A blog is a website that can be created by anyone in order to promote information or upcoming technology/other products and to share feelings or other information. A lot of people of people have a blog of their own. Everyone in my first period Web 2.0 class has a new blog. People blog to promote things, state information, share their feelings or thoughts, post photos, post videos, etc. I will use my blog for all Web 2.0 class assignments, unless things change in the future, and i decide to use it at home as well.

Unknown said...

A blog is where you put everything that's on your mind out there or any ideas you have. Mr.Porfido has a blog:) People use blogs to post things that are going on in there life for people to see like family members that might not live near by or some people just play around with it. I will use my blog to do my class assignment for web 2.0

Unknown said...

A blog is a website that you can use to write random things that are on your mind and also you use this when a teacher assigns any homework you can post it there.Almost everyone has a blog.Some people blog because they have nothing else to do or because its an assignment.I will use my blog to write down my article of the week and also to do any assignments that my teacher Mr.Porfido assigns me in our Web 2.0 class.

Unknown said...

A blog is a place where you can call your own, you can post your own work, pictures, and info to keep people updated. Everyone has a blog. People blog to show others their life and work, instead of keeping it to ourselves. I will use my blog to do homework for Mr. Porfido's class and maybe in the future in other classes, to to homework and do nows and leave comments

Unknown said...

A blog is a page where people can write about what they want whenever they want.Many people have blogs.People blog to share what they are thinking and to what they are interested in. I will use my blog for HW and to write what i am interested in.

Andy Lo said...

A blog is somewhere to express the feelings you have about day to day events. So that they can share information about their day ti day life. I will use it to practice the ins and outs of technology as a school assignment.

Unknown said...

A blog is a website people create to share information they want to. the Web 2.0 class have blogs, also anyone who wants one can have one. I will use my blog for class work and to post things that i want people to see.

Unknown said...

A blog could be used as a private website. You could show people what you like and and what you don't and also share your interests. I, personally use my blog for homework.

jennaw28 said...

By Jenna Wollerman- A blog is a website controlled for one soul purpose. The people who have blogs usually have something to offer, such as a teacher, a physician, or someone with experience in a certain subject. People blog to help others by distributing information to them through the contents of the blog; each blog is about one or more similar topics. I will use my blog to post tech articles and possibly post my photography.

Unknown said...

A blog is a page or an account where you can freely express yourself over the internet. The students in Web 2.0 class have blogs. I have my own personal blog away from Web 2.0 class. People blog to express themselves and interact with new people who have the same interests as them. That's what i would use my blog for as well.

Unknown said...

A blog is a place where you can write anything you want to share with friends. Anyone can have a blog though I just use mine for school work.

Thomas Fischkelta said...

A blog is a page that people use to write about things they like. There are a lot of people that have blogs. People blog to tell tell other people about their life, and things they have interest in. I will use my blog to show my work for my Web 2.0 class.

Unknown said...

A blog is something that people use to share personal or work related stuff with. A lot off people have a blog i am not going to use my blog.

Unknown said...

A blog is a page where people can talk to others about certain topics they are interested in. Many people have blogs. People blog because they like talking to random people over the internet about certain topics. They can get different ideas for different topics. I will be using this blog for school.

Unknown said...

A blog is an open distraction of topics on a wireless network. Many young people have blogs and older people could have them too. People blog to talk about something with other people from the comfort of there home. I will openly discuss topics that interest me with other people.

hannah r said...

A blog is a website where the owner of it writes about their daily lives.I will use my blog to post assignments for Web 2.0.

Unknown said...

Blogs enable the consistent sharing of information, usually in chronological order following a series of events. People enjoy sharing information to those that may be interested or even vaguely concerned. Additionally, blogs may be used for slandering others, or detailing the progression of an edition of Ubuntu Linux. I would use my blog to summarize technology articles.

tommyluizzi said...

A blog is a page that allows you to post about whatever you want and let's you link and add things such as pictures and video. Many people have blogs such as Mr. Porfido's Web 2.0 class. I will use this blog for my assignments and whatever else.

Nikkole M said...

A blog a internet source of a person. Many people have a blog for businesses or just to write personal stuff. My blog will only be use for this Web 2.0 class.

Unknown said...

A blog is a websites that people can write on and share information about each other. Many kids and adults have blogs. People blog because they want to share information with families and friends. I will use my blog for my web 2.0 class and homework.

Unknown said...

http://wrrb26.blogspot.com/ Jeremie Cruz period 2.

Unknown said...

A blog is a website where people share and write about many different things. many people have blogs. People blog so others can know what they interested in.